Do you have family coming over for the holidays? Time to get the guest room ready. Many of us start thing about the clutter maybe that we have placed in the room overtime since the last guest has stayed, but maybe we should be thinking about the bigger item in the room, such as the mattress. Is it nice enough for your guests? Has it been around for the last 50 years?
First I would remind you to think about WHO is staying in the room. If it is your parents, then maybe the super soft bed you had at age 18 is not the best mattress. Or the game room futon may leave your guests in pain for the holiday vs in comfort. Thinking about who will be using the bed MOST is super important.
Next, think about switching the mattresses up in your home. Maybe the bed you are sleeping on is a nice bed. Maybe it is pretty comfortable and it would work for the guest who may be coming. If that is true and the mattress size matches, then maybe you can look at getting yourself a new mattress, move the spare room mattress on to a new home and move your old mattress into the spare room. We see this done often, because we have probably replaced our own mattress more frequently than we have the "spare room" mattress. You also get something more correct to your daily needs and spruce up the spare room for one cost.
If you just need a new mattress, again, think about who will be sleeping in that room most. Maybe it is even you. Or maybe think about a child who will soon be grown up and needs this mattress compared to the "kid" bed that they are in now. MOST spare room beds should be middle of the road comfort which we call PLUSH. It is not too firm and it is not too soft such as a Pillow Top. If your elderly parents are staying in the bed or your Aunt who has back surgery, maybe check with them and see if they want a more supportive bed. Supportive does not mean firmer, but it means that it doesn't have as much give to it. Often individuals who have sore backs have to much curve in their mattresses where they sink in and it causes pain for their muscles. Purchasing a mattress with 1000 coils inside of it, vs a mattress will only 400 coils will give them more support. Remember there is so much difference inside the construction of the mattress it is good to talk to someone you trust.