The Sale Above All Sales
Most businesses obsess about watching their competition, so much that they begin to lose track of their own strength, their own vision, and all the aspects that make them unique to their community. We don’t do that, or at least we try not to. We know the games our competition play and we have heard the stories from our clients who have had rough encounters due to those games. We don’t want to be anything like the big box stores that forget about the person who is on a mission to find exactly what they and their family need.

I once heard that imitation is the highest form of flattery. You will not find Tri City Furniture hosting the largest sale of the year every weekend, because that is simply a sale’s tactic or some would say a lie. Why lie? We would love to sell you want you are looking for, but we are not going to pressure clients to rush into our doors because the sale ends tomorrow! Our sales are true sales. We mark even lower the quality products that we sell for the other 364 days of the year. We never bring in lower quality products brought only to draw a crowd. Still American made. Still have fabric options and choices. Still made by qualified hands.
Our strength is knowing and trusting our product, working with design and listening to our clients. We focus on American Made products. If we can keep the money within our home state of Michigan we will. We strive towards excellence in customer service & will help you create a healthy, stylish home, office and custom designed environment perfect for all your needs.