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  • Writer's pictureTri City Furniture, Auburn

Eco Friendly Mattress

Today there is major concern for saving our planet! Look at our landfills and what is filling them up. Could you help save our planet for the next generations? What products are going into the landfill and do they decompose or just pile up?

How many plastic water bottles get thrown away a day? Did you know that one bottle will take 500 years to decompose naturally. Disposable diapers take the same amount of time, but not as easy to sterilize. There are so many items which will never break down in our lifetimes!

Many manufacturers are trying to make products which will help eliminate some of the garbage by using it in new products and keeping it out of the landfills! That is what brings us to your mattress and the question of it is ECO Friendly?

Serta, which is manufactured right here in Michigan, has a new collection that is ECO Friendly! They are using old, used water bottles, and recycling them into new products. Instead of using new plastics, why not use recycled. It does take a different mind set, more effort and new technology, but it is better for us and our world. The new cool temp fabrics being used on Serta brand mattresses are all made from recycled water bottles- about 120 bottles per mattress..

You can go to bed with a clear conscious knowing you will sleep well WHILE you are doing your part to make this world

Serta uses 30% plant based fiber which provides pressure relief and reduced motion transfer in their padding, therefore you and your partner sleeps better. This allows for less chemicals within the factory, within our lungs, and within our world. Other product take a long time to break down and do damage though out their product lifespan! Not using chemicals on Serta's fibers helps now in the present , and during the time you own it. Think how well you will sleep breathing fresh air though out the night, instead of chemical by products that continues to off gas for years.

An extra bonus is that Serta is also using a layer of latex in many of their beds. Latex has an amazing feel that gives great support and it is all natural from the Talalay latex rubber tree.

Serta did not stop at the cover and the foam while thinking Earth consciously. They also use steel that is 85% recycled. They also use heat bonding to connect their springs together. The other method of this is with glue, but due to contamination of future steel with the glue residue, this method is not recyclable approved. By using a heat bond, the springs in these new mattresses can be taken a part and reused again. Another level of being Earth Friendly. Other mattresses can not say this!

These products have been tested for durability and give awesome support for our bodies for comfortable uninterrupted sleep! And that is what we want! Our mattresses carry the same 10 year warranties like they have for many years….that tells me the quality is staying consistent!

The beds are still available in the firm, plush and euro tops (pillow tops) …..these mattresses feature components which are up to 70% sustainable. Different models come as foam or hybrid, quilted tops and all offer cooling, comfort and pressure relief! For the benefit of all of our futures, being green is something we all need to be aware of!

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